Skyrim Followers With No Level Cap

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Added byDragonborn
Home TownSkaal Village
HouseShaman's Hut
LevelPC×1 (min=20)ClassFrea Combat Style
Other Information
Primary SkillsOne-handed, Alteration, Light Armor, Restoration
PerksCritical Shot (rank 1); Custom Fit; Dual Flurry (rank 2); Fighting Stance; Hack and Slash (rank 2); Mage Armor (rank 2); Magic Resistance (rank 2); Recovery (rank 1); Regeneration; Savage Strike
MoralityNo CrimeAggressionAggressive
Faction(s)DLC2MQ02AllyFaction; PotentialFollowerFaction; Actors in this will never fill world interaction aliases; Skaal Shaman; DLC2SkaalDialogueFaction; DLC2SkaalVillageCitizenFaction
  1. Setlevel <% of PC's
  2. Stat wise, J'zargo is arguably one of the best followers in the game. He has no level cap, which means he continues to level up with the Dragonborn indefinitely. Destruction and Restoration spells are his expertise, making him a great support character for close-combat players.

To level up your follower, just Wabbajack him/her into a chicken, mud crab, or rabbit every few levels. Followers have Level caps/Max Levels. Followers such as Uthgerd and most favor followers have level caps of 30, housecarls have a level cap of 50. The only follower that will Level up into the 80's is J'Zargo from the College of winterhold.

  • 2Quest-Related Events
    • 2.1The Temple of Miraak

Frea is a Nord living in Skaal Village. She is the daughter of Storn Crag-Strider, the village's shaman, and will replace him after his death. Once you progress far enough into the Dragonborn main questline, you can convince her to be a follower if your Speech is at least 25 (see this section).

Frea wears Nordic carved armor with matching boots and gauntlets, as well as a unique Skaal amulet which protects her from Miraak's influence. She carries two war axes, one stalhrim and the other Nordic, as well as a Nordic bow and 12 Nordic arrows. She knows the Alteration spells Ebonyflesh and Ironflesh, and the Restoration spells Close Wounds, Fast Healing, and Heal Other.

If you talk to her in Skaal Village before killing Miraak, she'll talk about the leaders of the Skaal and her possible aspirations in her village: 'For many years now I have attended to Storn, learning his ways.', 'Fanari shows what it means to be a leader to the Skaal. In time, perhaps I could lead as well.', and 'I have much to learn yet from Storn, if I am to one day become the shaman.'

If you ask where her mother is, she'll say: 'She died when I was very young. She was caught in a terrible snowstorm while returning home from gathering firewood. You must understand that, for the Skaal, life is a constant hardship. We take nothing for granted. We cannot afford to. Between the wolves, the weather and the threats in the south, even a simple task like gathering wood for the fire can turn deadly in an instant.' You can now ask why doesn't she live somewhere else, which will have her explain: 'We are bound to this land, like a great pine with roots that run as deep as the tree is tall. I know it must seem strange to you, but for us, the thought of leaving our village is equally strange. The land and the Skaal are one. There is no other way to say it.' Or if you say that death comes to everyone eventually, she'll say: 'We Skaal do not fear death. We know we will return to the All-Maker and be born anew. Life never truly ends. Death is just a passage from one form to the next.'

If you bring up her fighting abilities and ask her who taught her what she knows, she'll bring up her old mentor: 'It was Skaf the Giant, our former chieftan [sic], who taught me the ways of battle. He was a great bear of a man, and a fearsome warrior. I used to be terrified of him when I was a little girl. I was a restless and angry child, and Skaf taught me swordplay so that I could, as he used to say, 'put that fire to good use.' He was a great man and a good leader. I miss him dearly.' When exiting conversation, she'll simply say: 'Farewell, outsider.' or 'All-Maker guide you.'

If you use her as a follower throughout the Main Questline, she is one of the few companions that has unique dialog to environments or certain situations. She also makes comments in response to the context of other NPC's dialog.

Related Quests[edit]

  • The Temple of Miraak: Uncover the source of Miraak's power in the Temple of Miraak.
  • The Fate of the Skaal: Find a way to free the citizens of Skaal Village.
  • The Gardener of Men: Travel to the realm of Hermaeus Mora to learn the rest of Bend Will.
  • At the Summit of Apocrypha: Confront Miraak at the summit of Apocrypha and defeat him once and for all.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Temple of Miraak[edit]

Trouble in Solstheim[edit]

'Oslaf, please!'

As you arrive in Solstheim, its residents will seem dazed and under the influence of a mysterious force. Most people will vaguely mention a temple and point you to the Temple of Miraak. As you arrive, you'll find mindless workers building on the temple and Frea shouting at the ensnared workers: 'Oslaf, please! You must fight against what is controlling you!', 'Ysra[sic], can you hear me? Ysra [sic], I'm here to help you!', 'You must leave this place! It is not safe here! We must go back to the village!', and 'You must listen to me! We must leave this place!' When she notices you, she'll approach you: 'You there. What brings you to this place? Why are you here?' You can now ask her who she is: 'I am Frea of the Skaal. I am here to either save my people, or avenge them.' If you ask her what she's saving them from, she'll explain the dire situation: 'I am unsure. Something has taken control of most of the people of Solstheim. It makes them forget themselves, and work on these horrible creations that corrupt the Stones, the very land itself. My father Storn, our shaman, says Miraak has returned to Solstheim, but that is impossible.' You can now tell her that Miraak tried to have you killed: 'Then you and I both have reason to see what lies beneath us. Let us go. There is nothing more I can do here. The Tree Stone and my friends are beyond my help for now. We need to find a way into the temple below.' You can now ask her a few questions:

What is the Tree Stone?'It is an ancient stone of power, a connection to the All-Maker. It represents one of the aspects of nature, a part of the All-Maker's creation. There are other stones around Solstheim. I fear for what has happened to them..'
You're here by yourself?'There are few of us left unaffected by this curse. My father Storn, the shaman, protects them in the village. I fashioned an amulet to guard me against whatever has taken hold of the Skaal, but it is the only one of its kind. If I cannot find a way to save them, there is no hope for our people.'
What do you know about Miraak?'His story is as old as Solstheim itself. He served the dragons before their fall from power, as most did. A priest in their order. But unlike most, he turned against them. He made his own path, and his actions cost him dearly. The stories say he sought to claim Solstheim for himself, and the dragons destroyed him for it.'
Tell me of your people, the Skaal.'We have lived on Solstheim for many generations. Our people are tied to the land itself. We try to serve the All-Maker, to live in balance with nature, instead of exploiting it as others would.' When greeted, she'll now express hope: 'If anyone can help us now, it is you.' When leaving conversation, she'll say: 'We must find out what is at work here.'

If you learn the first word of Bend Will at Saering's Watch and cleanse the Wind Stone before first meeting Frea, Storn will send you to find her. She will still greet you by asking who you are, to which you can tell her Storn sent you: 'I do not understand. Why would he send you, an outsider, to find me when he knows why I have come here? Our people are lost to the madness that infects this island. Perhaps Storn has been lost as well..' You can now tell her everyone is safe: 'Truly? Thank the All-Maker! But still, this temple stands. The Tree Stone remains tainted. How can we be sure the Skaal will remain free? I can not return to the village until I have found the source of this evil. Will you come with me, further into this accursed temple?' The quest will then proceed as normal.

Temple of Miraak[edit]

'I do not wish to imagine the kinds of things that happened in this chamber.'

Upon entering the first room of the temple, she'll say: 'Are you ready to help me now? We should not delay. We should check these rooms for supplies before heading further into the temple. I shall look around. We can proceed when you are ready.' When she is done searching the rooms, she'll say: 'Take your time. I shall follow when you are ready.' As you press on and leave the first area of the temple and head to the next chamber, she'll say: 'We must be careful in these ruins. Traps can be anywhere, and there will likely be many. Miraak was trying to take power here, and protect himself in the process.' As you continue on and find a torture chamber, she'll say: 'I do not wish to imagine the kinds of things that happened in this chamber. Who were the poor souls trapped in these cages? What tortures did they suffer at Miraak's hands? Was it in service to the dragons, or for his own purposes?' She'll then look up and say: 'Look up there. I think I see something.' She'll then walk over to the broken staircase and say: 'The stairs are knocked out. I have no doubt you can find a way up. You never know, you may find something of value up there. I shall look around. We can proceed when you are ready.' If you make it up to the platform she was referring to, she'll exclaim: 'Impressive! Was it worth the effort?' As she reaches the hall full of traps, she'll laugh and say: 'I am not going down there. It would be foolish to attempt it. You have a much better chance than I to make it through these traps. I have no doubt that lever turns these blades off. I shall wait here for now.' Once you pull the lever, she'll run down the hall and say: 'Thank you. Miraak took great pains to make it difficult to reach him, it seems. Let us hope that is the last of these traps.'

Temple of Miraak Sanctum[edit]

'I do not like this place.'
'This book.. It seems wrong, somehow.'

As you enter the Sanctum, Frea will comment: 'I do not know what it is Miraak learned that gave him reason to turn on his masters. But his path seems to have been a cruel one. I wonder if we will find some answers to what happened so long ago.' Once you reach the next chamber, she'll notice a side passage and say: 'Interesting. This may be worth exploring.' She'll then follow the passage to a room with treasure and say: 'I suspected there would be something down here. Do you know those spells already?' When you press on further, she'll say: 'How much deeper can this be? I had been told that Miraak's power was great, but to have built so large a temple.. It cannot be much farther now. I feel it in my bones.' Once you reach the room with the word wall, she'll say: 'I had heard Miraak had turned against the Dragon Cult, but to display the remains in such a manner as this.. It is no wonder the dragons razed his temple to the ground. Seeing the remains hung up like trophies must have enraged them to no end.' She'll then say: 'Something feels wrong. Brace yourself!' After you defeat the Gatekeeper and travel to the dining area, she'll say: 'Dead end? Impossible. There must be something more! Look around. I will let you know if I find anything in the dining area.' Once you uncover the secret passage, she'll exclaim: 'I knew it! A secret passage in the dining area just opened up. This must be it. Let us move quickly.' When you travel to the next chamber, she'll comment: 'I wonder if there is something here that tells the story of Miraak..' She'll then say: 'Nothing but ruined books.' As she heads to the next chamber, she'll run up to the statue and say: 'I do not recognize this statuary. We passed by a few of them earlier, but they are becoming more frequent as we get further in. I do not like this place. It almost looks as if these statues will come to life at any moment.' She'll pause and then say: 'It looks like there is only one way to proceed. I leave the honor of pulling that handle to you. I do not want to put my hand anywhere near the mouth of that statue.' As you proceed, she'll say: 'It is eerily quiet. I do not suspect that will be the case the further we go. Be on your guard.' As you near the black book, she say: 'There are dark magics at work here. Ready yourself. This book.. It seems wrong, somehow. Here, yet.. not. It may be what we seek.' After you read the Black Book, Frea will walk up to you and say: 'What happened to you? You read the book and then.. It seemed as though you were not really here. I could see you, but also see through you!' You can then tell her that you aren't really sure what happened, but you saw Miraak, to which she'll say: 'Where? Where is he? Can we reach him? Can we kill him?' You can then say that the book took you to Miraak, which will have her respond with: 'This is a dangerous thing, then. We should return to my village, and show this to my father. Perhaps Storn can make sense of what is going on.' The next quest, The Fate of the Skaal, will then start.

The Fate of The Skaal[edit]

Frea will then exit conversation and say: 'Come, there looks to be a way out through here.' She'll then run out of the temple and direct you attention to the Wind Stone: 'You see that green light? That comes from the Wind Stone, where my people work against their will. They must be freed soon.' She'll then say: 'The village is just ahead. Storn has used his magic to raise a barrier around it, protecting the few of us left. That the barrier is still there is a good sign.' As she dashes towards Storn, she'll tell him the discovery you made in the temple:

'Frea! What news do you bring?'

Frea: 'Father! I have returned! There is yet hope! '
Storn: 'Frea! What news do you bring? Is there a way to free our people?'or'Frea! I had worried I would not see you again.'
Frea: 'No, but I have brought someone who has seen things.. He/She has confirmed that Miraak is indeed behind the suffering of our people.'
Storn: 'I feared that it would be so.'
Frea: 'But how is that possible? After all this time..'
Storn: 'I fear there is too much we do not yet know.'
Frea: (to you) 'Please, tell Storn what has happened.'

Skyrim Followers With No Level Cap

Frea will then sit by Storn to assist him with the barrier. When you free the villagers, she will start a new daily routine in the Skaal Village. She now wakes up at 8am and starts her day hanging out in the Shaman's hut for two hours. At 10am, she'll head outside to sit next to Storn on the bench next to their house for three hour and then she will go back into the Shaman's hut and stay there until her bedtime at 10pm. After you free the Skaal from Miraak, she may now greet you with: 'It's good that our people are now free. We can attempt to restore balance to our home.'

The Path of Knowledge[edit]

Although Frea is not directly involved in this quest, she does have some comments if you have her as follower during the quest. When you initially approach Nchardak, she'll warn you: 'The Skaal have always avoided ruins such as these. Nothing of the All-Maker is to be found within.' Once she approaches the Black Book inside the reading room, she'll comment: 'The dwarves must have feared this book to lock it away like this.' As she enters the Great Chamber, she'll muse: 'Amazing to think that they built this so long ago, and it still survives.' When you see the fire trap in the Workshop, she'll say: 'It would be madness to go through there.' As you continue through the workshop, she'll comment: 'It is rather impressive.' When you approach the southern section of the Workshop, she'll warn you: 'Be careful.' When you collect the fourth cube, she will converse with Neloth:

Frea: 'So, we only need one more of these.. cubes?'
Neloth: 'That's correct. I'm glad to see someone else has been paying attention.'

When you enter the Aqueduct, Neloth will complain about the swimming, to which Frea will respond with: 'You should leave slogging around in the muck to us youngsters.' When you lower all three bridges in the first chamber, Frea will congratulate you with: 'I think you did it.' When Neloth tells you to retrieve the last cube without his help, she'll be relieved: 'Finally. We will not have to listen to his complaining.' When Neloth warns you of the rising water levels, Frea will sarcastically say: 'Thanks for the warning.' Once you acquire the fifth cube, Frea will muse: 'Now we will see if he knows what he is talking about.' When you activate the boilers, she'll detect the Centurion: 'Beware! Another of those creatures!' If you drop a cube, she'll say: 'Bring that cube. We'll need it.'

The Gardener of Men[edit]

If you had Frea as an active follower during the previous quest, she will then leave your service after you read the Black Book Epistolary Acumen. If you tell her you need to learn the 'secrets of the skaal' to defeat Miraak, she'll direct you to her father: 'You must talk to Storn, then. As shaman, he is the keeper of such lore. I have learned some of what he knows, but it is not my place to divulge anything to an outsider.' You'll now have two options:

Aren't you his apprentice? He must have taught you his secrets..'You will not convince me to betray Storn's trust. Talk to him. He will decide the matter.'
I understand. I'll talk to Storn.'Good. Although I do not think he will help you. These secrets are sacred to us.'

If you greet her after asking for the secrets, she'll tell you: 'Only Storn can reveal the secrets you asked about.' If you ask her to follow you, she'll dismiss you: 'I am sorry, but my duty is to my people right now.' Once Storn agrees to give up his secrets, she'll try to stop him:

Frea: 'Father, you must not do this. That book is.. wrong. Evil. Against everything that you have taught me my whole life.'
Storn: 'I must, Frea. It is the only way to free Solstheim forever from Miraak's shadow. There comes a time when everything must change. Nothing that lives remains the same forever. Do not fear for me, my daughter. This is the destiny that the All-Maker has laid out for me.'
Frea: 'I stand beside you, father, as always.'
Storn: 'I am ready for whatever the foul master of this book has in store for me.'

'I just wish he had seen another way.'

When Hermaeus Mora takes control of Storn, Frea will yell to you: 'What's happening? You must stop it!' She'll then yell: 'Father! No, stop!' She'll then once again turn to you and shout: 'Do something!' After Storn dies, she'll exclaim: 'Father! What have you done!' She will then look directly at you: 'Go. My father sacrificed himself so that you could destroy Miraak and lift his master's shadow from the land. Go, then. Kill Miraak. Do not fail.' She will now only say: 'I think he knew what would happen. He saw his death in that book.', 'Do not let his death be for nothing. Go and stop Miraak.', 'I do not blame you. I know he chose this. I just wish he had seen another way.', and 'Leave me to mourn my father. I have no more words for you now.'


Once Miraak is defeated, Frea will walk up to you and ask: 'I can feel it. The Tree Stone is free again. The Oneness of the land is restored. Does that mean.. is it over? Is Miraak defeated?' You'll now have three options:

It's over. Miraak is dead.'Then my father's sacrifice.. it was not in vain. He died to free us. Tell me.. was it the only way? Did he need to die?'
Storn didn't die for nothing. Miraak will never threaten Solstheim again.'Thank you. Whatever your other reasons for acting, you have done the Skaal a great service. We will not forget what you've done.'
I killed Miraak. But Hermaeus Mora is still out there.'It was Miraak who threatened Solstheim. With him gone, Herma-Mora has been foiled once again. Tell me, though.. my father's death.. was it necessary? Was there no other way to destroy Miraak?'

If you chose the first or last option you'll have three more options:

I couldn't have defeated Miraak without Storn's help.'Then.. it was the All-Maker's will, as he said. I know I should not doubt it. But it is good to hear, all the same. Thank you.'
Hermaeus Mora killed Storn, remember. Not Miraak.'I know. The Skaal will not forget this. Storn's death will become another of the many tales of Herma-Mora's treachery.'
Hermaeus Mora wouldn't have helped me without Storn's sacrifice.'Yes, his 'help' which did not require him to kill my father. Such is the way of Herma-Mora, the eternal enemy of the Skaal.'

Either way, she'll say: 'One more thing, Skaal-friend, if you will. I know it is not my place, but.. may I offer a word of advice.. of warning?' You'll now have two options:

Sure, what is it?'As shaman of the Skaal, I am charged with the spiritual well-being of my people. While you are not of the Skaal, you are Skaal-friend, and so I give you this warning. Herma-Mora forced you to serve him in order to defeat Miraak. Do not let him lure you further down that path. The All-Maker made you Dragonborn for a higher purpose. Do not forget that. Walk with the All-Maker, Skaal-friend.'
I don't need your advice.'I understand. Walk with the All-Maker, Dragonborn.'

When you greet her, she will now mention the loss of her father and her new occupation: 'My father was a noble man, and a true Skaal.', 'My heart is still heavy with the loss of my father.', 'I still cannot believe that Storn is gone.', and 'It's an honor to serve the Skaal as shaman, but I still miss my father.' If you ask her if she's ready the be shaman, she'll be skeptical: 'I have been preparing for it all my life. There is no question that I'm ready, but..' When you what, she'll reveal alternate aspirations: 'It is not right that I should say this, because I must honor my father's wishes, but this is a path I never chose. I always thought that I would be a great hunter, or even the village chieftain.' When you ask her if that could still happen, she'll say: 'Hah! Not if Fanari has anything to say about it. When it comes to being chieftain, she is like a wolf with her jaws clamped tight upon a fresh kill. But that's alright. The Skaal need a shaman and I know that is my place.'

Combat Dialogue[edit]

Detecting an enemy'What was..?''Is someone there?'
Spotting an enemy'I knew I heard something!''Now we end this!'
'Look out!''By the All-Maker!'
When attacked by the player'This was a foolish mistake, outsider.''Back to where you came from!'
'You have left me no choice.''I was a fool to trust you!'
'You should have known better.''That was foolish of you.'
Taunting an enemy'Spineless coward!''You are without courage!'
'Die!''I will not fall!'
Attacking a Cultist'Your master cannot help you now!'
Attacking a Giant'You've no right to be here, monster!''Back to where you came from!'
Losing sight of an enemy'Come back and fight me!''Where'd you go?'
Searching for an enemy'How long do you think you can hide?''There is no honor in this.'
'I'll find you eventually.''Going to hide, are you?'
'Show yourself!'
Giving up the search'No need to be worried, I suppose.'
Reacquiring an enemy'There you are!''Knew I'd find you!'
'Now we finish this!'
Defeating an enemy'There was no other way it could end.''And so it ends.'
'Victorious again.''I am sorry, but you left me with no choice.'
When low on health'No more!''Please, stop!'
Witnesses a crime'Why would you do such a thing?''I doubt that was truly necessary.'
Witnesses a murder'What.. what are you doing?!''Oh no! No!'

Follower Dialogue[edit]

After completing The Fate of the Skaal, you can tell Frea you fight well with her and she should join you: 'Join you? You mean leave the village to journey with you and fight at your side? I'm flattered, but the village is my home. It's very rare for one of the Skaal to leave, and I have responsibilities here.' You will now have a few options:

Skyrim Followers With No Level Cap Code

You can trust me. I saved your life, remember? (Persuade)Passed: 'You're right. I suppose the others can get by without me for awhile. Very well, if you need my help, seek me out here in the village.'
Failed: 'I am sorry, but I must refuse. I am grateful for your help, but my place is here, with my people. We Skaal are not like you. We do not seek adventure, we wish only to live in peace and to honor our traditions. I hope you understand.'
Passed: Frea becomes a Follower
Failed: Nothing
I'll make it worth your while. (Bribe)Failed: 'The land provides all that I need. I have no use for your coins.'or'As I've already told you, I have no need of money.'Failed: Nothing

As a follower, she will say the following greetings:

  • 'My thoughts are always with my people.'
  • 'Even now, the All-Maker watches over us.'
  • 'Where shall we journey next?'
  • 'No matter where the road takes us, my thoughts are of home.'
  • 'Is it good to see more of the world, for wisdom is the child of experience.'
  • 'Your fearlessness never ceases to impress me.'
  • 'You face danger without hesitation.'
Your LineFrea's Response
Follow me, I need your help.'I will follow you, Skaal-friend, but I must return to the village afterward.'or'You have a companion already. You don't need my help.'
Follow me.'I will shadow your steps.'
Wait here.'If that is what you wish.'
I need you to do something.'What would you ask of me?'
I need to trade some things with you.'Very well.'
It's time for us to part ways.'I need to get back to the village. My father will have need of me.'or'It has been an honor, Skaal-friend.'
Frea's Skaal Amulet


  • Since Frea's amulet is part of her default outfit, it is somewhat more difficult to get her to equip necklaces as a follower, since they typically do not have an armor rating which would outclass her default amulet.
  • Although her default gear is governed by the Heavy Armor skill, Frea is actually more proficient in light armor.
    • This issue has been addressed by version 1.0.2 of the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch; it changes her class to favor heavy armor, and adjusts her perks to match.
  • If you visit the Temple of Miraak before starting Dragonborn, Frea will not be there.
  • She is one of the few characters that automatically dual wields, the other being Rayya. Even if her war axes are taken away, she will replace them with any other weapons without the need to give her a Forsworn weapon or pickaxe as is the case with most other followers.
  • Frea is a very strong follower thanks to her dual wield perks and no level cap.


  • If Frea is your follower during The Path of Knowledge or The Gardener of Men, there's a period where she'll leave you but still take up your follower spot. To avoid this, either dismiss her before reading the Black Book: Epistolary Acumen or right after you return from Apocrypha, go to the Skaal Village (where she runs to) and dismiss her before speaking with Storn. Otherwise you'll be without a follower until you complete the Dragonborn main questline. ?
Retrieved from ''

Generally speaking, Cicero, Frea, Mjoll and Serana are the essential followers with good stats to offer, but Frea and Serana will require DLC. But ultimately, the choice of the best companion will depend on your play style, and your personal preferences, of course.

Top 10 Best Followers in Skyrim

10. Celann

He is Breton with magic resistance; a great warrior-type companion with indefinite leveling and armor perks, who does 1.5 extra damage, and liberally uses high quality bows. By the way, there is the Bound Bow Guide for you.

9. Inigo

Inigo is a fully voiced khajiit follower with a fun but short quest. He talks about the places you visit, nicely blends into the vanilla game, has great voice acting, and is very customizable. But you can get him only through a mod.

8. Ralis Sedarys

A miner from Ahzidal's quest, who has the most destructive melee abilities in the game.

He dual wields anything you give him, has dual flurry (for fast attack) and Extra damage 2 perks, which doubles his overall damage.

He has some magic perks but no spells, but they say he can use the two spells from Ahzidal's ring when equipped. By the way, this ring is quite useful, because with it you can bring the Ignite spell up to 13000 damage! Find out more in the post about the best destruction spells in Skyrim.

7. Aela the Huntress

She is strong and good looking, a well-balanced character, who can give you her blood to make you a werewolf.

Aela offers a great support with the ranged attacks, as well as in a melee combat due to the decent skill with one-handed weapons. Her max level is 50, but the sneak skill can reach up to 97, turning her into an efficient stealthy archer. And while having her around, you can get the on-the-go archery training.

6. Mjoll the Lioness

A versatile companion, who handles both one-handed and two-handed weapons, and can even use staves. She has high health and attack, and lots of space in the inventory.

Mjoll is a tank character with level cap 40, who can effectively distract enemies, giving Dragonborn some room for action. Give her some nice two-handed sword and a good heavy armor, and she will take on everyone in the vicinity.

She goes straight into the battle, taking all the damage for you; give her good enchanted weapons and armor, and she becomes unstoppable. You can get Mjoll as a follower at the level 14 or 16.

She will fill your ears with interesting stories, and can become one of the best wives in Skyrim as well.

5. J'zargo

He is one of the two khajiit's in Skyrim, and being a mage, he's very strong in destruction. You can give him some heavy armor, and he'll become one of the strongest followers in the game – especially useful if you stuck on a quest.

Some people do not recommend taking him due to the lowest spell levels among all the mage followers. Yet, there is a workaround: just give him very high staffs, and he will make double fireball blasters; another benefit from it is that he will keep the distance in a battle, without rushing into the front line.

Skyrim Followers With No Level Cap Skyrim

His One-Handed and Heavy Armor skills max out around level 50, turning him into a strong battle mage.

4. Teldryn Sero

He is one of the best spellsword-type characters, and is highly skilled in destruction, light armor and one-handed weapon (where he has a few ranks of Armsman, so his one-handed damage is much greater than most).

He can cast firebolt from afar and can conjure a flame atronarch to aid in the battle (actually it is the first thing he does in the combat). When the enemies get closer, he whacks them with an ebony sword. He keeps his distance, stays out of your way, and has level cap 60.

It's interesting that his chitin armor, as he says, was especially made for him by Grendis Rolovo, one of the best armor smiths in Morrowind.

You can hire him for 500 gold at The Retching Netch, in Raven Rock.

3. Cicero

He is an assassin with level cap 50, and his best skills are stabbing and sneaking, so he won't set off every trap on your way.

To get him as a follower, you need to join the Dark Brotherhood and complete their whole questline.

By the way, Dark Brotherhood Initiates have the same stats as Cicero, and can level up indefinitely, but they don't shoot arrows.

2. Frea

She cast restoration and alteration spells, wears heavy armor, won't trigger the traps on her way, and has no level cap. She is rare dual wielder, but lacks the useful ranged attack skills, such as archery or destruction.

So, Frea is almost the best follower in Skyrim, with the exception of the fact, that you need the Dragonborn DLC for her. And until you complete the Dragonborn main quest, she won't be able to become your permanent follower, which means you will get her only when you reach level 20 or so (this is where you can realistically finish the main quest).

Well, actually, you can finish the first two quests in the main quest line (Dragonborn and Temple of Miraak), and before proceeding to the Path of Knowledge (which is the next quest), talk to her, pass a speech check, and this way you can get her as a follower. Then you can return to the main quest (if you want to).

Note: when you make Frea follow you before completing the Dragonborn quest, she may leave you after Nchardak – this is a bug in the game, and to avoid this, you need to dismiss her at the end of Nchardak, but before you read the Black Book. Then, once you come back from Apocrypha, take her again.

Another point to mention is that Frea does not want to change her default amulet for most amulets you give her.

1. Serana

Her level cap is 50, and she's good at sneak, conjuration and destruction. She constantly learns new spells, has a good starting gear, deals with the enemies from a distance, and can bring to life the last one she just killed. She is probably the best mage-type follower, and being essential, cannot be killed.

The problem is that she doesn't put much thought into what she resurrects, so expect some useless ally in fighting your dragon.

The interesting thing is that Serana is the only character in Skyrim, who uses all the animation activators: she prays with the priests, mines in the mines, smiths at the forges, etc, which is quite cool and fun. You can achieve the same for other followers using the AFT mod (Amazing Follower Tweaks).

She can bite you turning into a vampire lord; and make your arrows stronger, if you play as an archer.

You will find Serana in the Fort Dawnguard, but the Dawnguard DLC is required. And be aware that she will probably start leaving too many ash piles behind, in case you prefer to keep your Skyrim clean. 🙂

Some Tips

The followers with no level cap are Frea, J'zargo, Celann, Ingjard and Durak, so they will have the same level you are. J'zargo is the only companion with no level cap you can have without installing any DLC, but since he is not an essential character, he can die during a battle.

If you play on PC, and lost your follower, use this console command to retrieve him or her: prid 0001C1A2 moveto player (Use the character's RefID in it, not BaseID). But just in case, keep in mind that it may sometimes remove everything you made him carry from his inventory.

Well, of course, this list of Skyrim best followers is not all inclusive, and there are other good characters you are encouraged to try; but if you are just starting out and want someone reliable, this list is to help you.

Best Armor Enchantments for Followers in Skyrim

Do enchantments work on followers?

Before you even think about enchanting the follower's armor, please, check this list of the enchantment effects that work on followers.

Now, this simple solution is probably Fortify Health and Resist Magic. If you have a mage follower, Magicka Regeneration can be handy, and Fortify Stamina as well. Fortify Health Regeneration only works during recovery phase, when your companion is out of combat.

Muffled can be also good if you want your follower to be less detectable.

If you have dual enchanting, you can do this:

Head armor: you can use Magicka Regen, or give your companion some nice protection with magic abilities, such as Helm of Ingol, Rahgot, Otar, Ancient Helm of the Unburned, or any other helmet that provides health or stamina regeneration, or have some kind of resistance.

Body: if your follower is of a warrior type, you can improve their armor skill, if needed, or you can invest in health or stamina.

Gloves and Jewelry: normally it can be Magicka Regen or Resistance, Health or just some relevant armor skill.

Boots: you can use dual resistance here, like fire and shock, but the choice is up to you. (source)

What about carry weight?

If you ask your follower to pick up anything instead of trading, they will have almost no weight limit – you can use it to your advantage when visiting some loot heavy areas like Dwemer ruins.

Skyrim Followers With No Level Cap Money

Can a companion use an enchanted item?

Skyrim Companions List

Yes, followers can use enchanted items, and some items fit better to a particular follower. For example, for Farkus, heavy armor is better rather than light. But keep in mind the list linked to above.

Follower Weapon Enchantments

Followers can use enchanted weapons; if your follower has a weapon with soul trap, they can fill the soul gems if they have them. But the weapon itself has to be manually recharged by you.

But if you give your follower a bow, give them only one arrow, as they seem to have unlimited arrows somehow.

On reddit one user mentioned that they gave their follower Auriel's Shield and she was able to Fus Ro Bash people.

Keep in mind, that 100% cost reduction won't work on your follower.

By the way, there is an easy way to fill your soul gems: give your follower with a soul trap weapon, a stack of soul gems (more than 8), and when they kill something, your whole stack will be filled. It's best to give them a bow or a melee weapon for this purpose.

Your companions can benefit from using the enchanted weapons, for example, if you give them a sword with health absorb, it will absorb 5 points of health for them (as in the case with Aela, for example). (source)

Best Followers Skyrim

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