Ddex Provider Not Installed

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  1. Ddex Provider Not Installed Online
  2. Ddex Provider Not Installed On Samsung
  3. Ddex Provider Not Installed On Computer

Ddex Provider Not Installed Disclaimer The origins of the information on this site may be internal or external to Progress Software Corporation ('Progress'). Progress Software Corporation makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information. Register DDEX provider (the Visual Studio provider). Update install.cmd (REGROOT variable) according to your Visual Studio version. Run install.cmd (as Administrator) inside JetDdexProvider directory (this step is not required because is already included in JetDdexProvider build). At present, the MySQL Connector does not register with DDEX, and does not extend the required base classes to be used as a DDEX provider. It does not display in the list of providers when using the Select/Change Data Source dialog, when shoved in using a registry patch it does not provide any UI for changing connection string parameters. After installing visual studio 2019, I tried to update my model in the.edmx file I had this pop-up (I use EntityFrameWork 6 and oracle dataBase). Dec 14, 2017 Just for helping someone, this solution worked for me: installed the version of ODT and then after went to the folder C: Program Files (x86) Oracle Developer Tools for VS2017 odt and installed Oracle.VsDevTools.15.0.vsix. Fixed on VS 2017 Community.

Updated: 2020-03-26
Initial conditions
Installation of DDEX provider
Connection setup
Uninstalling the DDEX provider

[UPD 2019-04-11] This instruction compatible with Visual Studio 2019.

[UPD 2020-03-25] Since version [R1], the installer can automated install and uninstall VSIX packages.


This document describes the setup of the DDEX provider for Visual Studio 2017 and Data provider for FW4.6.2. Watch anime gintama.

You can setup the DDEX support for Data providers compiled for FW4.5.0 and FW4.7.2 in the same way. The DDEX providers may be installed together.

It is also possible to install the DDEX providers tied to the debug assemblies of Data providers.

You may see this instruction as video on YouTube:

Initial conditions

On the computer must be installed:

  1. Visual Studio 2017
  2. IBProvider v3 [32bit]

Also require the available Firebird SQL Server.

Before starting, it is recommended to check the system tables of database. If they have the errors, you may get be problems with the query generator. Look this instruction.

Installation of DDEX provider

Download and run the EXE-installer of the ADO.NET provider.

Select the following components:

If you need a Data provider for another version of the .NET Framework (for example, 4.5 or 4.7.2), select it. If you want to use a debug Data provider, select «Debug» checkbox.

Click «Next».

Check again that you selected the specified components. Otherwise, the DDEX provider will not work or will work incorrectly!

Install the ADO.NET provider.

Installation of ADO.NET provider does not require reboot of computer, but in some cases it is necessary to restart the system to complete the installation.

After installation, the VSIX files for installing DDEX providers will be located in the «c:Program Files (x86)LCPIOleDb.NET1.8.0VS2017» directory(*):

VSIX fileData provider platformDDEX provider platform
Release assemblies
lcpi.vs.data.providers.oledb.v2.integrator.vs2017-net4_5_0.net4_6_2.vsix.NET FW v4.5.NET FW v4.6.2
lcpi.vs.data.providers.oledb.v2.integrator.vs2017-net4_6_2.net4_6_2.vsix.NET FW v4.6.2.NET FW v4.6.2
lcpi.vs.data.providers.oledb.v2.integrator.vs2017-net4_7_2.net4_7_2.vsix.NET FW v4.7.2.NET FW v4.7.2
Debug assemblies
lcpi.vs.data.providers.oledb.v2.integrator.vs2017-net4_5_0.net4_6_2.debug.vsix.NET FW v4.5.NET FW v4.6.2
lcpi.vs.data.providers.oledb.v2.integrator.vs2017-net4_6_2.net4_6_2.debug.vsix.NET FW v4.6.2.NET FW v4.6.2
lcpi.vs.data.providers.oledb.v2.integrator.vs2017-net4_7_2.net4_7_2.debug.vsix.NET FW v4.7.2.NET FW v4.7.2
(*) In your installation the name of subfolder «1.8.0» and name of vsix-file may be other. List of vsix-files is depends from selected components.

Run cmd.exe with administrator privileges.

DDEX provider is installed for all users of the system. Therefore, to install it requires administrator rights.

Run from this cmd.exe console the file «c:Program Files (x86)LCPIOleDb.NET1.8.0VS2017lcpi.vs.data.providers.oledb.v2.integrator.vs2017-net4_6_2.net4_6_2.vsix».

The VSIX installation window will appear:

Pink floyd the wall mediafire zip. Perform installation of the extension:

Installation of DDEX provider does not require reboot of computer, but in some cases it is necessary to restart the system to complete the installation.

Connection setup

Run Visual Studio 2017.

«Extensions and Updates» list of Visual Studio will display installed extension with the DDEX provider:

The installed extension with the DDEX provider will be displayed in list of installed products in «About Microsoft Visual Studio» dialogue also:

Open «Server Explorer» window and click the «Connect to Database» button. The data source selection window will open:

Select «Firebird Data Source» and «LCPI .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB [FW4.6.2]» and click «OK».

You must specify the main connection parameters in the opened window:

If you see an empty list with OLE DB providers, this means incorrect installation of the ADO.NET provider.
Most likely, you did not specify the registration of «DB Factories» in the installer.
Also, perhaps, the reason is that the system list of ADO.NET data providers contains outdated entries. Check the contents of the file «c:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Configmachine.config» in the «system.data» section.
In some incomprehensible cases, the problem with the empty list of OLE DB providers is solved by re-entering the system (in the extreme case, restarting the computer).

Now click the «Data Links …» button and configure additional parameters:

Close «Data Link Properties» dialog box by pressing «OK» and click «Test Connection»: Intermediate microeconomics nicholson and snyder solutions manual.

Close «Add Connection» dialog box by clicking «OK».

The «[Firebird].[EMPLOYEE]» node, linked to the Firebird database, appears in the «Server Explorer» window:

Uninstalling the DDEX provider

Ddex Provider Not Installed

1. Run Visual Studio 2017 with administrator rights.

2. Select in the menu «Tools->Extensions and Updates…».

Ddex Provider Not Installed Online

3. Find «LCPI Data OLE DB Integration [FB4.6.2]» in the list.

4. Click «Uninstall».

5. Click «Yes» in the dialog that appears.

6. Click on the «Close» button in the dialog.

Ddex provider not installed code

1. Run Visual Studio 2017 with administrator rights.

2. Select in the menu «Tools->Extensions and Updates…».

Ddex Provider Not Installed Online

3. Find «LCPI Data OLE DB Integration [FB4.6.2]» in the list.

4. Click «Uninstall».

5. Click «Yes» in the dialog that appears.

6. Click on the «Close» button in the dialog.

7. Close Visual Studio.

8. You should see the modification dialogue Visual Studio «VSIX Installer».

9. Click «Modify».

10. Wait for the process to complete.

Publish date: 2017-06-21. Copyright: IBProvider. This material may be reproduced on other web sites, without written permission but link https://www.ibprovider.com/eng required.



Administrator launches 'Controller Configuration'. Administrator clicks on database connection, and clicks 'test'. An error appears.If the user tries to launch Controller, a similar error appears.


The 'OraOLEDB.Oracle.1' provider is not registered on the local machine
Error launching Controller client:
The exact error will depend on the environment, for example:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.
at FrServerB.ServerInfoClass.GetDBRelease(String sGuid, String sUser)
at Cognos.Controller.Proxy.CCRWS.ServerInfo_GetDBRelease(String sGuid, String sUser)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---


There are several possible causes for this message:

  • Scenario #1 - The Controller application server does not have the Oracle client(s) installed
  • Scenario #2 - The Controller application server has the Oracle client installed, but the relevant DLL ('OraOLEDB11.dll') is not registered correctly.


Controller database hosted on an Oracle 11G database server.

Resolving The Problem

Scenario #1 - The Controller application server does not have the Oracle client(s) installed

Install the Oracle client on the Controller application server.

  • If it is already installed, then uninstall/re-install it.

Steps (for Controller 10.2):

From Controller 10.2 onwards, both the Oracle 64-bit and 32-bit clients must be installed on the application server.

  • The following steps are based on Oracle 11G Rel2 and Controller 10.2:
  • o Download the latest patchset version of the Oracle 11G release 2 (rel2) 64-bit client. At the time of writing:

    o The latest version is (Oracle patch 13390677)

    o This is available from here: https://updates.oracle.com/ARULink/PatchDetails/process_form?patch_num=13390677

    o Specifically, you need to select ‘Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)'. Then download the file 'p13390677_112040_MSWIN-x86-64_4of7.zip'.

    NOTE: We have deliberately not chosen to download the original version ( of the client (which is the file 'win64_11gR2_client.zip') because there are known Oracle bugs in this version.

    o Extract this file (p13390677_112040_MSWIN-x86-64_4of7.zip) onto the Controller application server, and run 'setup.exe'

    o VITAL: During the client installation wizard, select a full 'Administrator' install option:

    o TIP: After the install has finished, check that it has installed all the expected components, by looking at the size of the 'C:app' folder (or wherever you have installed it to). The total size should be approximately 1.05Gb.

    · Now create/edit your TNSNAMES.ORA file.

    o By default, this is located here: C:appAdministratorproduct11.2.0client_1networkadmin

    o Ensure that it contains entries on how to connect to your Oracle database server(s)

    · Next you need to create a ‘System Variable' (on your Controller application server) called ‘TNS_ADMIN' to point to the location of your TNSNAMES.ORA file.

    o By default, the value would be: C:appAdministratorproduct11.2.0client_1networkadmin

    o Download the latest patchset version of the Oracle 11G release 2 (rel2) 32-bit client. At the time of writing:

    o The latest version is (Oracle patch 13390677)

    o This is available from here: https://updates.oracle.com/ARULink/PatchDetails/process_form?patch_num=13390677

    o Specifically, you need to select ‘Microsoft Windows (32-bit)'. Then download the file 'p13390677_112040_WINNT_3of6.zip'.

    NOTE: We have deliberately not chosen to download the original version ( of the client (which is the file 'win32_11gR2_client.zip') because there are known Oracle bugs in this version.

    o Extract this file (p13390677_112040_WINNT_3of6.zip) onto the Controller application server, and run 'setup.exe'

    o VITAL: During the client installation wizard, select a full 'Administrator' install option:

    · The author recommends that you install this software to a SEPARATE folder (from the 64-bit client)

    o For example, install it into the folder: C:app_32Administrator

    · After the install has finished, check that it has installed all the expected components, by looking at the size of the 'C:app_32' folder (or wherever you have installed it to). The total size should be approximately 1.05Gb.

Ddex Provider Not Installed On Samsung

Scenario #2 - The Controller application server has the Oracle client installed, but the relevant DLL is not registered correctly.
Register the file 'OraOLEDB11.dll'.

Ddex Provider Not Installed On Computer

The following steps are based on Controller 10.2, using a 64-bit Oracle client installed into the default location.
They may need to be modified slightly for your environment.
    1. Launch a Command Prompt (CMD) as the user 'Administrator'
    2. Type the following command
      CD C:APPAdministratorproduct11.2.0client_1BIN

    3. Type the following commend:
      c:Windowssystem32regsvr32.exe OraOLEDB11.dll
[{'Product':{'code':'SS9S6B','label':'IBM Cognos Controller'},'Business Unit':{'code':'BU053','label':'Cloud & Data Platform'},'Component':'Controller','Platform':[{'code':'PF033','label':'Windows'}],'Version':'10.2.0','Edition':','Line of Business':{'code':'LOB10','label':'Data and AI'}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

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